Herd Management

The Fairview herd now operates two performance recording platforms, with one being Breedplan and the other being International Genetic Solutions and the CGen recording system. All animals are registered with the Australian Simmental Breeders Association. We strive to produce genetics suited to the Australian production system.

Birth weights and calving ease are recorded, followed by 200 day weaning weights and docility scores, 400 day weights and 600 day weights are also recorded. All bulls have a scrotal circumference measurement at 400 days as a measure of puberty and sexual maturity, at 600 days all bulls and replacement heifers are scanned for eye muscle area, intra-muscular fat and also rib and rump fat distribution.

Mature cow weight, body condition scores and hip heights are recorded on cows at weaning time as a measurement of female efficiency. All calving dates and joining history are submitted on breeders to establish gestation length and days to calving EBV's.

At calving, cows are given an udder score on teat size, udder evenness and udder suspension as well as a calving body condition score; with any cows outside of acceptable limits removed from the breeding herd. Our cows are never drenched and are exposed to the rigours of the natural environment; it is a management decision to let a cow experience some stress so that we can ultimately select for adaption.


Breeding Program


Fairview Bulls